Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dream wedding with short budget - what to wear for him

wedding tuxedo, groom
Dream wedding with short budget - what to wear for him , The traditional choice for the groom is a tuxedo.  Where I come from, buying a tuxedo is virtually unheard of.  Renting is probably the way to go to realize the ultimate savings on the groom’s attire.  If you were to buy a tuxedo, the average cost would be somewhere between  $300 and $500.  This is not exactly the way to go when trying to save money on a wedding!

If you do want to buy your tux, check in thrift stores, consignment shops, and online to find discounted tuxes. Buying off the rack will run you a lot more money.

Renting a tux will run anywhere from $50 to $100 typically.  That rental will include everything your groom will need to look like Prince Charming.  This means cuff links, shoes, vest, and tie.

Many places offer the grooms tux rental free when the wedding party rents from the same store.  Be sure to ask about a perk like this.

If your groom wants to own his own tuxedo, we suggest a local thrift store or consignment shop.  You may also want to consider a discount wedding store or even
online at e-bay again. Yet another great consideration when outfitting the guys in your wedding party is to have them wear nice suits or even casual slacks and a nice shirt.  Not every wedding party has to be ultra formal; it’s all up to you!

Now that you and your groom are outfitted, let’s talk about those loved ones who will be standing up with you. What they wear can be just as important as what you wear!

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